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Block of the Months
Block of the Months
Oct 12 2010 - 19:13
Basket Bounty Block of the Month
Moda's Block of the Month, Basket Bounty is now posted on the United Notion's Customer Workstation. Sign on to the Customer Workstation with your user ID and password to access the 3 quilt options shown below. The shop planner, complete set of monthly patterns, hand embroidery stitches, kit yardages and more are available for you. JPG images to download for store newsletters and e-mail campaigns are also available on the workstation.
Dominique II Quilt with wool appliques
Dominique II Quilt
Charlevoix Colorway
Close-up of embroidery blocks. Don't forget the appliques can be used as a completely separate project. The appliques can be made from cotton prints on solid backgrounds. They can be made into pillows or all kinds of small projects. Endless possibilites!
To get to the customer workstation, go to http://mordac.unitednotions.com/storefrontB2BWEB/
click in the upper right hand icon, Customer Workstation. Sign in with your United Notions user ID and password. If you do not know your user ID and password, please email sdalrymple@unitednotions.com
BUNNY HILL's new block of the month
The Night Before Christmas
Enjoy this new 9 month B.O.M. from Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill
featuring La Petite Ecole by French General
Pattern stock # BHD 2019, Suggested Retail $44.00
Click here for the fabric details. The yardage requirements shown will make 12 kits.
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